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Finance & Accounting

We provide interim CFO support to help you build an efficient finance function


We also offer a full range of corporate secretarial and accounting services:

  • Statutory bookkeeping

  • Annual filing

  • General meetings documentation

  • Maintenance of the corporate files

  • Tax compliance

  • Coordination with local providers and tax authorities

Direct Tax Structuring & Compliance

We provide innovative tailor made solutions and structuring aimed to reduce excessive tax exposure. From the acquisition of a new stand alone company to joint venture or merger project we can assist in the tax due diligence process, advise you on the best company’s legal form choice and financing.


Operational companies need always help and assistance to benefit from the existing incentives (e.g. investment tax credit, intellectual property optimization)and best practice offered in Luxembourg to optimize the tax situation.


We also have a strong experience in the digital economy and intellectual properties (e.g. copyright on software) to benefit from the amended favorable IP box tax regime in Luxembourg.


Holding companies can also hold real estate and grant intercompany loans. Such activities need careful attention in order to ensure the best tax solutions.


In terms of remuneration strategy for you as investors, entrepreneur, familiy members or any other stakeholders we offer various solutions (i.e. dividends, interest, warrants, options, management fees, …) tailored for each specific project and requirements (e.g. depending on the tax residency of each party)


Exit strategy needs also to be duly anticipated and we provide our expertise and knowledge in this respect to ensure that your commitment and investments would bear the most tax effective fruits.


Besides consulting and advising we can also offer you our compliance services in order to deal with the income tax returns and any other related returns together with the correspondance management with the local tax authorities.


Crypto / NFTs

Being passionate about crypto for many years, we provide a wide array of services related to crypto.


  • Crypto tax (individual, corporate, funds)

  • Crypto accounting (corporate)

  • Interim CFO

  • Validation of business models (startups)

Independant Director Advisory Board Member

Corporate governance is becoming a must, non only in listed companies but touches more recently non listed groups but also smaller businesses (e.g. run by one extended family).


Transparency, independancy are key words lying behind efficient corporate governance policies. It therefore paved the way to the need of independant director, coming with fresh new eyes and bringing their own experience, skills and network.


Besides, the post BEPS world also pushes for a stricter application of the so called “substance over form” principles.


Member of ILA, Audrey Rouach Baverel offers her skills and experience as independant director or advisory board member in the following areas:​

  • Non regulated financing and holding entities

  • Start-ups and SMEs in innovative technologies with strong experience in blockchain (i.e. part of several working groups in Luxembourg dedicated to the development and deployment of blockchain technology projects in companies, cryptocurrency recognition as new investment asset, ICO regulations) and proptech industries (i.e. companies offering innovative solutions in the real estate market)

  • Digital economy players (i.e. covering the payment processing aspects, VAT and direct tax, treasury functions)

Business & Strategy Coaching

This service is dedicated to women in need to be helped to reach their professional goals and explore their talents.


Here are examples of areas where we can provide our Coaching:

  • Finding your own leadership that is aligned with your values and personality
  • Gaining confidence at work and feel joyful

  • Elaborating strategy to get a new position

  • Easing transition to a new position

  • Getting perspective for entrepeneur to get to the next stage of their project

  • Getting back to work after a break


What is Coaching?​

  • Is about helping Client reach their full potential

  • Coach is not a Consulting where answers and solutions are provided.

  • Coaching is about faciliating the Client to develop and explore their own resources to reach extraordinary results in their lifes, careers, businesses or organization

  • Coaching used many different tools such as empowering questioning, listening and feedback

Companies Set Up

Get guidance, advice and assistance to set up your operational tool. From the inception to the incorporation of the company, registration with various authorities, business license, relationship between shareholders, website, office space…

We can offer you the following services and package that can be tailored made to your specific need.

  • Business plan assistance
  • Corporate secretarial services (e.g. liaison with administrative authorities, banks, preparation of articles of association, shareholder’s agreement, other formalities)

  • Large networks and connections of trustworthy and competent service providers


Vision to action pack
Coaching to turn your idea into a real planning with a business plan, legal and tax analysis, marketing and communication strategy


Set-up pack
We take care of all the legal and administrative steps to have your company up for running (incorporation to the notary, opening bank accounts, registration to administrative authorities, business license, email addresses, …)


Tranquility pack
We take care of all non-core business functions (e.g. legal, tax, finance, accounting and administrative) so that you can dedicate 100% of your time and potential to your core business delivery


Sanity check pack
Legal, corporate and tax analysis and suggestion to optimize your current financing situation (individual or corporate level)

VAT Consulting & Compliance

VAT obligations are always a challenging topic for businesses as the VAT legislation is always on the move. Nevertheless with the growing development of digital economy erasing the national frontier VAT becomes the most efficient tool for countries to collect taxes.


With cross border operations with customers based in Europe or worldwide it is crucial that the VAT aspects of your business are duly adressed and mastered.


We have the expertise and knowledge to guide you through the VAT world and assist you among others with the following topics:​

  • Advising on the VAT scheme to apply for your specific business

  • Help you to set up the appropriate software tool for VAT returns and other mandatory reports (specific set-up are needed especially if e-commerce services or distance selling B to C business)

  • VAT registration in various countries

  • Preparation of invoice template in line with local VAT requirements

  • Preparation of VAT returns, specific refunds

  • Dealing with VAT audits and all tax office communication

  • Training to ensure VAT rules and processes will be correctly applied by your staff

Fund Raising Assistance

You are an entrepeneur, your company is set up with the operational team covering the key functions and working full time for the project with a product/service developed and positive feedback from the market are received. It is now time to search for more fund (i.e. seed fund, stage A fund, profit participating loans, …).

We assist you with the following services:​

  • Drafting tried and tested efficient Investor decks

  • Drafting a solid financial model

  • Coaching prior to meeting with potential investors

  • Identification of potential investors from our network and match making meeting organization

  • Guidance with the terms of the investment (e.g. dilution effect, tag along, drag along clauses, exit restrictions, …)

  • Assistance in the drafting and review of shareholder’s agreement, articles of association or any other legal document. We would be in direct contact with your lawyer.

  • Coordination mission depending on your needs


We offer you also our expertise in alternative fund-raising scheme such as crowdfunding, ICO (for blockchain related projects).

Luxembourg offers a wide range of helps and subvention for innovative project. We can assist you with the application of such help.


BEPS & Transfer Pricing Assistance

In a post BEPS world transfer pricing documentation including transfer pricing studies are must. But SMEs with multiples entities might not have the most efficient IT system to have all the information needed centralized to be able to smoothly be compliant with local and international standards of transfer pricing policies.


Getting access to adequate benchmark is one element where we can assist you but before that it is crucial to properly document business processes and have a clear value chain analysis with detailed functional, risk and asset aspects. For intangibles (e.g. intellectual properties) the so-called DEMPE matrix (i.e. Development, Enhancement, Maintenance, Protection and Exploitation) shall be adopted. Having an external person review and document your business process from the tax angle is an option we can provide with the help of your team.


Moving forward, it is key in our current tax turmoiled environment to move ahead rather that forego the situation. In this context it is highly recommended to have tax specialist involved in case of business process adaptation or change so that tax risks are not only anticipated but mitigated and potential tax opportunities are taken up. We can serve as a hotline for all your tax questions or changes in your business to ensure that it does not trigger any adverse tax consequences.


Setting up a transfer pricing guidance is more and more part of a modern and sustainable corporate governance policy. We can help you with the drafting of such guidance.


Workshops and training tailored made to your specific need are also available to make sure that transfer pricing policies are duly applied internally.

Business & Strategy Coaching
Independant Director Advisory Board Member
VAT Consulting & Compliance
Direct Tax Structuring & Compliance
Companies Set up
Fund Raising Assistance
BEPS & Transfer Pricing Assistance
Finance & Accountng
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